Single Page Websites & SEO

SEO For Single Page Sites

how do you SEO Optimize a single page website?

1. Defined Content Sections

Design each section of content as if it were a separate webpage. Select the keywords you desire to rank for and draft the appropriate headline, copy, image alt tags and any other SEO signals.

2. Separate Content Sections in DIVs

Place each section of content inside its own DIV. Look at the code on The .GIFYS. Their sections include:

<div id="div1">..write content here...</div>
<div id="div2">..write content here..</div>
<div id="div3">..write content here..</div>
<div id="div4">..write content here..</div>

CSS id names are not considered SEO keyword signals, but it’s a good way to keep things organized. You can also use them for anchor links, which are SEO signals.

3. Anchor Links

We know Google looks at anchor links. Not to be confused with anchor text, anchor links take you to a specific place within a webpage. In search rankings, we’ve sometimes seen Google list anchor links as site links.

On The .GIFYS, each link on the left side navigation menu is an anchor link. The link will take you to the Art + Design content section. I like having an on-page navigation section like this.

Try to optimize each DIV id for both usability and keyword SEO. You want them to make sense for people using your website and have a relevant keyword for the section.

To create an anchor link for each section,

Name the DIV id.

<div id="div1">
Link to it.

<a href="#div1">Art + Design</a>
From another page the link would be:

<a href="">Art + Design</a>

4. Give Each Content Section an H1 Tag

This is probably the one time I’ll suggest multiple H1 tags on the same page. An H1 signals that what follows is distinct and separate from the rest of the page. Only use one H1 per section.

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